Project Details
TRG Queensland Pty Ltd -
Lifestyle Interior Linings Pty Ltd -
Project Value:
$10 million
Project Details
Formally a Bunnings Warehouse, partial refurbishment of the Maroochydore Homemaker Centre site commenced June this year in the heart of the Sunshine Coast, on Maroochydore Road. Adding to the 14 other homemaker retailers already operating, the subdivision of the previous Bunnings site and carpark rectification works by builder, SJ Higgins Pty Ltd is estimated to be worth up to $10m. Contracted to Lifestyle Interior Linings Pty Ltd and designed by TRG Queensland Pty Ltd the build will include, among other tenants, Amart Furniture and Global Gym. Judah Steel became involved with the project in mid-June when approached about using our Studs to make up the main walls that separate the building into individual shop outlets. As there was no time for the Contractor to source structural steel (which would take up to five weeks).
Judah Steel Technical Representative, Andreas Koepke assisted in developing a design to use Judah Steel Studs in a similar way. Having a design completed within days, Judah Steel supplied custom 150mm x 1.15BMT studs at a special length of 10.2m long. To work within the tight time-frame, the stud material was loaded and dispatched from Erskine Park HQ straight to site over a weekend to limit disruption. Consequently, Judah Steel managed to design and deliver to site by July 6 – three weeks after the initial request was made. The final project is yet to be completed. Judah Steel would like to thank Lifestyle Interior Linings for their frequent Instagram updates of the project where we have been fortunate enough to see this project be taken from concept to completion (almost).
Judah Steel products used on this project

MAXIframe® External Wall Framing System
This external wall framing system offers a cost-effective solution for light-weight steel framing when compared to traditional external wall construction methods.

Steel Stud & Track Wall Framing System
Light-weight steel stud and track drywall framing for internal plasterboard wall systems and specific external wall applications.